

  • How to install an emulator on your iPhone without jailbreaking If you’re looking for something a little more recent, we’ve got a selection of theīest free PC games. We won’t link to any specific repositories here for obvious reasons, but a quick Google search will likely find the classic game...
    The T2 in Apple’s words “is Apple’s second-generation, custom silicon for Mac. Perversely, readers are also reporting widespread issues with Apple’s own internal audio (speakers and headphone jack). We have have some reports of issues over FireWire, which initially had seemed like a refuge....
    January 24, 2024
    The phone was announced in Cairo, so the specs we see here are probably for the EMEA markets - the list price of €109 might not exactly be 'burner phone' money in some territories - as HMD has done some spec-tinkering for other markets before. On the flip side, there's an extra camera at the back...
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